Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A bug, not a feature.

Many a time, the significance of a piece of art is not self evident. Art-criticism and interpretation help establish/enhance the significance of the work. Similarly, adapting to a different form also sometimes helps the original work.

Anyway, the reason I am pontificating about stuff that I don't know much about is, well, somewhat humorous, at best. This is what happened. I found the painting below drawn by S in her laptop. Nothing fascinating about the painting; she keeps drawing such things in MS-Paint for passing time.

Except that, I was in a art-critic mode. "Not at all bad," I thought, "Seems to hold some significance. Interesting use of the walls (of tradition/society) that a dancing girl is trying to break. She's using the power of her talent, of her expression to get out of the walls. The wall will eventually crumble!" The cynic in me took a slightly different path, "Or perhaps it signifies that despite continued efforts from the girl, all that has been achieved is a little space around her. The wall is still strong. Will she ever be able to break out of it completely?"

So, later on I tell S that I find this one pretty okay. She says, "There is a bug in MS-Paint." "What bug?" I ask. She says, "Don't know, it is something with the 'fill colour' option. See, in this one it has not filled properly." "Interesting!" I say. So, all the walls tradition women emancipation and the other crapola I had come up with and felt smug about is just an innocent bug! "I didn't think about all that. But from now on I'll ask you 'interpret' what I draw!" she concluded.


Anonymous said...

Not a bug :), I dunno it somehow just happened. But whatever happened , did some good to me and to you.

Mandar said...

I like the use of colour as well! :)

Srinath Srinivasa said...

Here is my interpretation: Nice artwork! Keep it up!:)